Highland Court Limited
Highland Court Limited


Q. How do I contact the Highland Court Directors?

A. Email: highlandcourtdirectors@hotmail.co.uk


Q. What Cable TV is the site wired up for?

A. All flats have access to a communal system which provides Freeview but some flats have also been wired up for Virgin Media by individual owners.


Q. Can I have a Sky dish?

A. No - Sky dishes are against the terms of the lease. You can use Sky for broadband and phone services only.


Q. Where are the water meters located?

A. Outside the buildings - there are rectangle lids covering all the meters in the ground not far from the communal doors.


Q. How do I order a new electronic fob?

A. Put a note through the door of number 26 stating your name, flat number and the name of the person who will be using the fob. New fobs cost £25.


Q. Can I change my front door?

A. Yes you can. Following discussion at the AGM it was agreed that the door policy could be relaxed so that owners could replace the front door, so long as it had been approved by the directors and met FDS30 standards.


Q. How do I pay my service charge?  
A. Flat owners are asked to pay their service charge (currently £140) on the first of each month by standing order to Highland Court (Woodford) Ltd, sort code 20-67-88, account number 50472506.  Please use your flat number as the reference.


Q. Why have some areas of the garden not been mown?  
A. Highland Court is trying to improve the diversity of wildlife in the grounds by allowing grasses to grow longer and more wild flowers to flourish.  This will help pollinators and other insects, birds and small mammals.  Our gardener, Gary, is very passionate about this so please speak to him if you are interested.


Q. Can I rent a garage at Highland Court?  
A. The garages belong to certain flats and may occasionally come up for rent.  Please e-mail the Directors if you would like to rent one of the garages, or if you have one available, and we will publicise the request on the website.


Q. How can I access the bicycle rack?

A. You should email highlandcourtdirectors@hotmail.co.uk with your request and we will let you have the code. Bikes left in the store should be labelled with your flat number.


Q. Are there any restrictions on parking?

A. You should be mindful of the need to park considerately at all times and to remember:


* Not to block access to the bin sheds or make it difficult for large Council vehicles to manoeuvre


*We only have sufficient space on site for the parking of one vehicle per flat.


*No unroadworthy or untaxed vehicles should be left in the car park.


*To park in such a way as to maximise the space that is available.


Q. Can I post a notice on the communal noticeboard near the pedestrian entrance?

A. Yes. This is for general notices and local information but please add your own - whether it's to look out for a lost dog or cat, promote your business, look for work, recommend a sports club, sell or give away an item. If you let us know, we can laminate it for you.


Q. What are the two book cases for?

A. This is the Highland Court's Book Swap, one for adult books and the other for children's books. You're welcome to take a new book or leave one that you have read.